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发布时间:2020-03-18 09:19:36 所属栏目:安全 来源:站长网
导读:副标题#e# App自动化测试中有两个很重要的操作,屏幕滑动与绘制手势密码。目前很多App在启动时,都存在启动时的引导动画或者加载上下文内容时需要手动上滑或者下滑加载页面,所以在自动化测试的过程中模拟手的滑动操作看起来就很重要了;第二个比较重要的是


上图中的x轴,y轴是手机的坐标表示方式,请区别数学中的二维坐标,其中x轴方向表示手机屏幕的宽度width,y轴方向表示屏幕的高度height,原点为(0, 0); 蓝色方框代表9宫格手势操作的整体元素(内部包含9个点),start_x, start_y 代表9宫格元素的起始坐标点,start_x也是9宫格起始点距离y轴的距离,start_y也是9宫格起始点距离x轴的距离,请大家一定理解这几个值的关系,下面我们可以通过WebElement对象的rect方法获取9宫格元素的宽,高及起始点坐标

def get_element_size_location(element): width = element.rect["width"] # 9宫格元素的宽度 height = element.rect["height"] # 9宫格坐标的高度 # 9宫格元素的起始坐标点 start_x = element.rect["x"] start_y = element.rect["y"] return width, height, start_x, start_y


element.location ->{"x": start_x, "y": start_y} element.size ->{"width": width, "height": height}

接下来我们通过9宫格元素的width,height,start_x, start_y分别计算每个点的坐标, 我们按照上图,把9宫格元素的width和height分别等分为6等分

前3个点(1, 2, 3)的坐标分别是

width, height, start_x, start_y = self.get_element_size_location(element) point_1 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 1), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 1)} point_2 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 3), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 1)} point_3 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 5), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 1)}

中间3个点(4, 5, 6)的坐标分别为

point_4 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 1), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 3)} point_5 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 3), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 3)} point_6 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 5), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 3)}

最后3个点(7, 8, 9)的坐标分别为

point_7 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 1), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 5)} point_8 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 3), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 5)} point_9 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 5), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 5)}


TouchAction(driver).press(x=point_1["x"], y=point_1["y"]).wait(300) .move_to(x=point_2["x"], y=point_2["y"]).wait(500) .move_to(x=point_3["x"], y=point_3["y"]).wait(500) .move_to(x=point_6["x"], y=point_6["y"]).wait(500) .move_to(x=point_9["x"], y=point_9["y"]).wait(500).release().perform()




""" ------------------------------------ @Time : 2019/8/6 20:22 @Auth : linux超 @File : base.py @IDE : PyCharm @Motto: Real warriors,dare to face the bleak warning,dare to face the incisive error! @QQ : 28174043@qq.com @GROUP: 878565760 ------------------------------------ """ from appium.webdriver import WebElement from appium.webdriver.common.touch_action import TouchAction from appium.webdriver.webdriver import WebDriver from selenium.webdriver.support.wait import WebDriverWait from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException, TimeoutException class Base(object): def __init__(self, driver: WebDriver): self.driver = driver @staticmethod def get_element_size_location(element): width = element.rect["width"] height = element.rect["height"] start_x = element.rect["x"] start_y = element.rect["y"] return width, height, start_x, start_y def gesture_password(self, element: WebElement): width, height, start_x, start_y = self.get_element_size_location(element) point_1 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 1), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 1)} point_2 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 3), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 1)} point_3 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 5), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 1)} point_4 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 1), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 3)} point_5 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 3), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 3)} point_6 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 5), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 3)} point_7 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 1), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 5)} point_8 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 3), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 5)} point_9 = {"x": int(start_x + width * (1 / 6) * 5), "y": int(start_y + height * (1 / 6) * 5)} TouchAction(self.driver).press(x=point_1["x"], y=point_1["y"]).wait(300) .move_to(x=point_2["x"], y=point_2["y"]).wait(500) .move_to(x=point_3["x"], y=point_3["y"]).wait(500) .move_to(x=point_6["x"], y=point_6["y"]).wait(500) .move_to(x=point_9["x"], y=point_9["y"]).wait(500).release().perform() def find_element(self, locator: tuple, timeout=30) -> WebElement: wait = WebDriverWait(self.driver, timeout) try: element = wait.until(lambda driver: driver.find_element(*locator)) return element except (NoSuchElementException, TimeoutException): print('no found element {} by {}', format(locator[1], locator[0])) if __name__ == '__main__': pass


